Sunday, 22 March 2015

Destined for Dreams by Ginna Moran


Nadia Petrov has a unique ability as a nightmare creator. This is what she has to do to survive. Hunter was raised to destroy people with these types of abilities. However, Hunter is presently trapped in someone’s head and Nadia came across him one night and can’t help but to keep going back. She's drawn to him, and despite their polar opposite upbringings, they discover many similarities between them.

Ginna’s created relatable characters with so much depth, it’s impossible not to connect with their voices,  and feel everything that Nadia and Hunter are  feeling, every morsel of conflict, love. It’s an extraordinarily well written YA paranormal tale that you can’t help but sink into your comfy chair and just devour in one sitting. 


(Copy provided in exchange for an honest review.)

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  1. Thanks so much for this great review!

  2. Thanks so much for this great review!

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