Thursday, 11 December 2014

Dark n' Stormy: A Love Story With A Twist by JE Trif


Dark 'n Stormy is aptly named. Following Nikki Moore through flashbacks and re-tellings, we learn about the hard road she has followed that lead her to the present with Jack Thompson. Nikki goes through life being let down at every chance, and when it seemed like maybe this was the one time things would work, fate had a way 

This book has the potential to be such a fantastic story, the premise of it is absolutely great. I wish I could rate it higher, but there were many parts that left a lot to be desired. Had the writer provided more depth to some of the scenes, it would have brought a lot more feeling into my experience as the reader, rather than feeling like I was being left out. Several scenes just dropped off, and cut to the next part, feeling like missed opportunity to love the characters a little more. There were also a fair amount of grammar errors and issues that took away from the story for me. 

Truly, it is a good story, and I'd recommend it to someone that loves a love story with a twist. I want to read the rest of the series as it's released, I need to know how everything works out in the end. 


(ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.)

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